TOUR 2025
Upcoming Tour Dates
Dow Centennial Centre #1
April 2 - April 7
Myer Horowitz #1
April 17 - April 19
Myer Horowitz #2
May 1 - May 4
Red Deer Arts Centre
May 9 - May 11
Dow Centennial Centre #2
May 14 - May 18
Triffo Theatre #1
May 20 - May 23
Kelowna #1
May 25 - May 27
*New in 2024*
FREE Media Package for Every Dancer!

We continue our commitment to the advancement of Dance in Western Canada. This competition was started to encourage all dancers to enjoy the benefit of being adjudicated – not just the competitive or advanced students. It has evolved into an event where friendships have flourished and memories have been created for a lifetime. Witnessing the growing respect the young generation of dancers has for each other, has been both refreshing and rewarding. Students are marked against themselves and all dancers receive the medal associated with that mark. They are categorized by their age and years of training; with a beginner category for all first year dancers.
Standing Ovation continually strives to provide an exciting learning experience within a positive atmosphere.
We believe that the education of our dancers is even more important than the placement. Because of this, have an onstage adjudication at the end of every session where the adjudicators themselves talk to the dancers and uplift, give insight and support the training they are already receiving!
Throughout the years we have enjoyed watching thousands of dancers master their art while participating in the 22 different categories offered. Trophies are awarded for Adjudicators’ Choice and teachers are recognized for their efforts through Choreography Awards. In addition to the trophies – thousands of dollars in scholarships are presented during each and every competition.
We hope that if you are participating with us this season that you enjoy the competition and benefit from the comments of our highly skilled and trained adjudicators.
Have fun & keep dancing!
Our Vision

We continue our commitment to the advancement of Dance in Western Canada. This festival was started to encourage all dancers to enjoy the benefit of being adjudicated – not just the competitive or advanced students. It has evolved into an event where friendships have flourished and memories have been created for a lifetime. Witnessing the growing respect the young generation of dancers has for each other, has been both refreshing and rewarding. Students are marked against themselves and all dancers receive the medal associated with that mark. They are categorized by their age and years of training; with a beginner category for all first year dancers.
Standing Ovation continually strives to provide an exciting learning experience within a positive atmosphere.
We believe that the education of our dancers is even more important than the placement. Because of this, have an onstage adjudication at the end of every session where the adjudicators themselves talk to the dancers and uplift, give insight and support the training they are already receiving!
Throughout the years we have enjoyed watching thousands of dancers master their art while participating in the 22 different categories offered. Trophies are awarded for Most Promising and Outstanding performances and teachers are recognized for their efforts through Choreography Awards. In addition to the trophies – thousands of dollars in scholarships are presented during each and every festival.
We hope that if you are participating with us this season that you enjoy the festival and benefit from the comments of our highly skilled and trained adjudicators.
Have fun & keep dancing!
A Competition with a Difference
Professional Panel of Judges
We hire qualified judges with impeccable resumes. Read More
Professional Judges
We hire qualified judges with impeccable resumes who are incredibly knowledgeable in all genres. We carefully choose caring judges who are dedicated to assisting our dancers and supporting their training. With live onstage adjudications, our professional judges can assist them on their journey to becoming the best dancers they can be!
Uplifting & Relaxed Atmosphere
We promote empowerment for every dancer! Read More
Uplifting & Relaxed Atmosphere
We promote empowerment for every dancer! Our policy states that in our Competition Experience “it is all about the dancer”! We will do everything we can to have the most uplifting and supportive experience for them, their teachers and family members.
Recognition to Every Dancer
This comeptition was started to encourage all dancers to enjoy the benefits of being adjudicated. Read More
Recognition to Every Dancer
Standing Ovation is committed to the advancement of Dance in Western Canada. This competition was started to encourage ALL DANCERS to enjoy the benefits of being adjudicated – not just the competitive or advanced students. Dancers are marked against themselves and receive the medal associated with that mark. They are categorized by their age and years of training. We have beginner categories, for all new dancers, all the way up to Accelerated Advanced and Semi Professional Performer Divisions.
Encore Dance Offs
The highest scoring numbers are invited back to compete for cash awards. Read More The highest scoring numbers are invited back to compete in our ENCORE DANCE OFFS where they will dance again for CASH awards! This is a chance to perform in a Professional Show, with the Top Numbers of the competition, to a panel of judges for up to $2500 per location!Encore Dance Offs
Special Awards in Every Session
There are Top Soloist, Top Duet, Top Group, and Choreography Awards; Cash Scholarships in every division at every location. Read More
Special Awards in Every Session
Top Soloist, Top Duet, Top Group, and Choreography Awards are presented throughout the competition. We award Cash Scholarships in every division at every location. With our partners, we also award over $100,000 in workshop scholarships every Competition Tour.
Online Entries
Standing Ovation implemented the user-friendly online system. Read More Standing Ovation implemented the user-friendly online system where the studio owner has control of their entries. They are able to enter them with the click of a button and make changes as needed. This saves valuable time and energy and is definitely a game changer!Online Entries
Panel of Professional Judges
We hire a panel of qualified judges with impeccable resumes. Read More
Professional Judges
We hire a panel of qualified judges with impeccable resumes who are incredibly knowledgeable in all genres. We carefully choose caring judges who are dedicated to assisting our dancers and supporting their training. With live onstage judges, our professional judges can assist them on their journey to becoming the best dancers they can be!
Uplifting & Relaxed Atmosphere
We promote empowerment for every dancer! Read More
Uplifting & Relaxed Atmosphere
We promote empowerment for every dancer! Our policy states that in our Festival Experience “it is all about the dancer”! We will do everything we can to have the most uplifting and supportive experience for them, their teachers and family members.
Recognition to Every Dancer
This festival was started to encourage all dancers to enjoy the benefits of being adjudicated. Read More
Recognition to Every Dancer
Standing Ovation is committed to the advancement of Dance in Western Canada. This festival was started to encourage ALL DANCERS to enjoy the benefits of being adjudicated – not just the competitive or advanced students. Dancers are marked against themselves and receive the medal associated with that mark. They are categorized by their age and years of training. We have beginner categories, for all new dancers, all the way up to Accelerated Advanced and Semi Professional Performer Divisions.
Encore Dance Offs
The highest scoring numbers are invited back to compete for cash awards. Read More The highest scoring numbers are invited back to compete in our ENCORE DANCE OFFS where they will dance again for CASH awards! This is a chance to perform in a Professional Show, with the Top Numbers of the festival, to a panel of judges for up to $2500 per location!Encore Dance Offs
Special Awards in Every Session
There is Outstanding, Most Promising, and Choreography Awards; Cash Scholarships in every division at every location. Read More
Special Awards in Every Session
There is Outstanding, Most Promising, and Choreography Awards presented throughout the festival. We award Cash Scholarships in every division at every location. With our partners, we also award over $100,000 in workshop scholarships every Festival Tour. On top of all our awards, Standing Ovation introduced an “SO Cares Scholarship” to all our current participating studios. This will be awarded to a hard working and deserving student from each studio who demonstrates a True Love of Dance. The “SO Cares Scholarship” will be sent to each studio to award to a dancer and will go toward their entries for the following Standing Ovation Tour.
Online Entries
Standing Ovation implemented the user-friendly online system. Read More Standing Ovation implemented the user-friendly online system where the studio owner has control of their entries. They are able to enter them with the click of a button and make changes as needed. This saves valuable time and energy and is definitely a game changer!Online Entries
Our family would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to Standing Ovation and all you have done for us over the years we have danced. Our daughters have had such positive experiences at the Standing Ovation Festivals and I truly know this has contributed to the strong, confident young women they are today. Could they list for you the results they were given, or recall every adjudicators comment, or even remember which other studios were there. Probably not, but what they do remember is how special they felt, and that will stay forever. As this is our last year of competitive dance, I thank you for providing the atmosphere that shaped my girls. This is what it’s all about!”
Dance Family – Red Deer, AB
What a great way to end our 2022 competition season attending SO – we loved every minute of it!
Studio Owner – Beaumont, AB
“Thank you for the Be Discovered scholarships as well as the cash scholarships from the National Finals. I will be using the money for the ITP program I will be attending next year. I have really enjoyed your competitions over the years and loved meeting new dancers through your competition. I’m so thankful for the support of Standing Ovation throughout my competition years and will truly miss this competition. Thank you again and congratulations on 20 years!!”
Dancer – St. Albert, AB
“Your scholarship program does and will continue to help dancers all around. The scholarship I received has helped me to further my education in dance and is greatly appreciated.”
Dancer – Edmonton, AB
Thanks again for such a great Festival. Our students, families, and teachers all really enjoyed it!
Studio Owner – Edmonton, AB
“If you could see inside my daughter’s heart when she received this Love of Dance award you would feel how it changed her forever. She does truly love dance, she tries her best, she dances from her heart, she supports her friends and celebrates their accomplishments. Thank you from the bottom of both our hearts. Thank you.”
Parent – Ft. St. John, BC
“Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality! I thoroughly enjoyed my time adjudicating. The dancing so entertaining and organization fantastic! You have created such a fun and motivating experience for the kids and have such a calming friendly sense about you. Thank you again so much for the opportunity.”
Adjudicator – Vancouver, BC
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